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DRT Court Fees Calculator

DRT Court Fees Calculator

The Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002

13. Fees for applications and appeals under sections 17 and 18 of the Act.

(1)Every application under sub-section (1) of section 17 or an appeal to the Appellate Tribunal under sub-section (1) of section 18 shall be accompanied by a fee provided in the sub-rule (2) and such fee may be remitted through a crossed demand draft drawn on a bank or Indian Postal Order in favour of the Registrar of the Tribunal or the Court as the case may be, payable at the place where the Tribunal or the Court is situated.
(2)The amount of fee payable shall be as follows:

No. Nature of Application Amount of Free payable
1. Application to a Debt Recovery Tribunal under sub-section(1) of section 17 against any of the measures referred to in sub-section (4) of section 13  
(a) Where the applicant is a borrower and the amount of debt due is less than Rs. 10 lakhs Rs. 500 for every Rs. 1 lakh or part thereof
(b) Where the applicant is a borrower and the amount of debt due is Rs. 10 lakhs and above Rs. 5,000+Rs. 250 for every Rs. 1 lakh or part thereof in excess of Rs. 10 lakhs subject to a maximum of Rs. 1,00,000
(c) Where the applicant is an aggrieved party other than the borrower and where the amount of debt due is less than Rs. 10 lakhs Rs. 125 for every Rupees One lakh or part thereof
(d) Where the applicant is an aggrieved party other than the borrower and where the amount of debt due is Rs. 10 lakhs and above Rs. 1250+Rs. 125 for every Rs. 1 lakh or part thereof in excess of Rs. 10 lakhs subject to a maximum of Rs. 50, 000
(e) Any other application by any Rs. 200
2. Appeal to the Appellate Authority against any order passed by the Debt Recovery Tribunal under section 17 Same fees as provided at clauses (a) to (e) of serial number 1 of this rule.

Debts Recovery Tribunal (procedure) Rules, 1993

7. Application fee. – (1) Every application under section 19(1), or section 19(2), or section 19(8), or section 30(1) of the Act, or interlocutory application or application for review of decision of the Tribunal shall be accompanied by a fee provided in the sub-rule (2) and such fee may be remitted through a crossed Bank Demand Draft drawn on a bank or Indian Postal Order in favour of the Registrar of the Tribunal and payable at the place where the Tribunal is situated.

(2)The amount of fee payable shall be as follows:-

Sl. No. Nature of application Amount of fee payable
1. Application for recovery ofdebts due under section 19(1) or section 19(2) of the Act,-  
(a) Where amount of debtdue is Rs. 10 lakhs Rs. 12,000
(b) Where the amount ofdebt is above Rs. 10 lakhs Rs. 12, 000 plus Rs. 1,000for every one lakh rupees of debt due or part thereof in excess of Rs. 10lakhs, subject to a maximum of Rs. 1,50,000
2. Application tocounter-claim under section 19(8) of the Act,-  
(a) Where the amount ofclaim made is upto Rs. 10 lakhs 12,000
(b) Where the amount ofclaim made is above Rs. 10 lakhs Rs. 12,000 plus Rs. 1,000for every one lakh rupees or part thereof in excess of Rs. 10 lakhs, subjectto a maximum of Rs. 1,50,000
3. Application for reviewincluding review application in respect of the counter-claim-  
(a) Against an interimorder Rs. 125
(b) Against a final orderexcluding review for correction of clerical or arithmetical mistakes 50% of fee payable at ratesas applicable on the applications under section 19(1) or 19(8) of the Act, subject to a maximum of Rs. 15,000
4. Application forinterlocutory order Rs. 250
5. Appeals against orders ofthe Recovery OfficerIf the amount appealedagainst is,-  
(i) less than Rs. 10 lakhs Rs. 12, 000
(ii) Rs. 10 lakhs or morebut less than Rs. 30 lakhs Rs. 20,000
(iii) Rs. 30 lakhs or more Rs. 30, 000
6. Vakalatnama Rs. 5.]

What is the fee for an appeal against the order of the Recovery Officer

Rs.12,000/- if the amount appealed against is less than Rs.10 lakhs.

Rs.20,000/- if the amount appealed against is Rs.10 to 30 lakhs.

Rs.30,000/- if the amount appealed against is more than 30 lakhs.